martes, 15 de junio de 2010

Objects You Can Create Using Hypertufa

A hypertufa is a porous man-made rock that is made essentially using Portland cement with peat moss, and perlite or vermiculite. It is inspired by tufa, a naturally occurring rock created from a precipitation of carbonate minerals. A hypertufa is quite light-weight and can be further strengthened with the addition of sand and nylon fiber mesh. And as it is very porous, a hypertufa is ideal for plant growth. As such, most hypertufa projects are manufactured for gardening ornaments.

You can find endless choices for a hypertufa project, all you need to have, besides of course from the ingredients, is a creative imagination and a proper mold. Molds are important to your hypertufa projects given that they fundamentally determine the outcome of your project. You can use boxes, styrofoams, bowls, toys, balls, discs, plastic, metal and terra cotta containers as molds for your projects. Another good idea to get distinctive molds is to go through the junk that is lying within your house. It's also possible to build your own molds if you want using Styrofoam, polystyrene foam used in house insulation, and wood. Use your imagination and be creative by mixing various molds within a project. Just make sure that you take care of your molds using release agents such as garbage bags, lubricants, and plastics, so that they won’t be damaged right after making your hypertufa project.

The most typical and least complicated to make hypertufa project is a planter or trough. They are easy to create since the mold that you'll require for that project can easily be found in the house, for example cardboard boxes, plastic containers, Styrofoam ice chests, and so on.

You can also create a hollow garden sphere as a hypertufa project. These garden spheres are good adornments because they look very elegant and artsy. For this project, you can utilize inflatable exercise balls and beach balls. You can even strengthen these spheres by adding hardware cloth strips throughout the ball just before applying the hypertufa mixture.

Another hypertufa project that may be built are stepping stone rocks for your backyard. You can use discs, plates or any flat objects as your mold for this kind of project. Additionally, you need to use a heavy and strengthened hypertufa mixture for this project as they should be sturdy if they are to be stepped upon.

Synthetic rocks and sculptures are also another possible hypertufa project. These type of projects are harder to make as you have to be quite inventive in the process of creating one, as some of the procedure differs from the typical way. You must also make your own molds for these kinds of project. However, these projects are the most fulfilling ones to make, after you have successfully created them.


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